What I have found is that when I connect with the expansiveness of the natural world, I connect more deeply with my own inner expansiveness. Nature can be a vehicle to become more grounded, more connected to Life, and more present.
Yoga philosophy teaches that we each have within us the expansiveness of the Universe. Within you is that infinite diversity and depth. And the more you consciously and actively connect with this awareness, the more you can live in it, in your full empowerment as a conscious being in this life. You become lit up from within.
- Meditation on Consciousness, or the internal expanse, is one of my favorites for a deep and restful vacation from tension - going into the deep, soft spaciousness that is rejuvenating and uplifting.
- Core Release yoga poses bring you into this connection through your body, and the power of awareness. Using angles and movement, they create a flow of essential life energy and bring you into a deep harmony - inside (mental/emotional and more) and outside (physical healing).
- Belief shifting work removes the inner blocks and limiting thought patterns which separate you from this connection with your inner joy and peace.
And being in nature, for me, is an honoring of and relationship with Life - my own life, the life all around me, and the creation of life - that spark that precedes the light. As I connect more with that pulse of life I feel in nature, I connect more deeply with life pulsing through me, and also the heartbeat of Life - which moves through everything everywhere. People call this pulse of Life, this indescribable quality of aliveness, many names - Consciousness, Universal energy, Source, God, Shiva/Shakti, and more.